The List

or: Staving off a mid-life crisis by having a very organised mid-life crisis

I'm 39.  Only one year away from the big four-oh.  Older enough that both grey hairs and ear hairs are becoming an issue.  Basically dead, if you ask my kids. I've had plenty of time to do things.  I've even actually achieved some of them.  I'm mostly happy, except when I'm exhausted from the children, I've got a beautiful wife who thrashes me at board games 75% of the time (ok, maybe closer to 80%), and I've got a worthwhile, interesting job that pays me enough money to keep me in board games to be thrashed at.  Things, it has to be said, are pretty good.

But, and there was always going to be a but to that set up, there's a few things that niggle.  Little things I've never done.  A sense that I've let some passions slip in the daily grind.  A tiny voice muttering "bloody hell, you're a bit dull, aren't you" in my ear at night, whispering dissatisfaction with my sense of self.

or: Things To Do In Dalkeith When You're (Not) Dead

So, with the aid of many friends and relations - plus a not insignificant amount of input from myself - I've come up with this.  The List.  (The capital letters are important.  They make it A Thing, not just a fleeting fancy.)  Forty challenges, to be undertaken before I turn 40.  Most are new experiences, although some are excuses to pick up a faded passion, dust it off and breathe new life back into it.

The rules are simple.  The list is divided into two types of challenge: long-term and one-off.  Long-term challenges are projects which are likely to last the whole year.  Success is measured in terms set by me and entirely arbitrary.  For most of these, simply doing them on a regular basis throughout the year will be sufficient.  Exceptions to this are detailed in the list below.  One-off challenges are simple.  I've either done them or not by the end of the year.  Each challenge will get written up here, with a minimum of one post per week going up.  (These posts form the basis of the "finish a writing project" challenge, with success being posting on a regular basis throughout the year and covering every challenge in a moderate amount of depth.)  Long-term challenges will get a main post detailing why I'm doing them (and how), plus regular updates at the end of the weekly postings.

That's it.  No other criteria.  No charitable pan-handling.  Just me, a list of 40 activities ranging from the worthy to the bloody stupid, and 52 weeks.  Well, 51 actually.  I'm not starting in earnest until next week, as holidays apply to challenges as well!

or: Forty Ways To Leave Your Sofa

So, without further ado, here it is. The List, complete with credits for who suggested any idea and any specific criteria for success.  Brace yourselves!

Long-term Challenges

  1. Learn French (me)
  2. Learn to draw (me)
  3. Finish a writing project (me)
  4. Design a board game for grown ups (me - has to get to playable prototype by 31 March 2019)
  5. Learn swordfighting (Andy Leask)
  6. Do 10 pull ups (Andy Law - yes, this is a long-term goal for me!)
  7. Eat healthily and take 30+ minutes exercise a day (many people in concert)
  8. Write a thank you letter (emails and phone calls do not count) for every gift received over the year (Tatty)
  9. Take and share a photo a day each day for a year (Laura)
  10. Read only women authors for the year (Juliet)

 One-off Challenges

  1. Kayak to somewhere I've never been (Magnus)
  2. Learn a song on the guitar (Andy Leask)
  3. Learn to pick a lock (me)
  4. Learn to tango (Lindsay)
  5. Perform poetry, written by me, in public (Magnus)
  6. Milk a thing (Magnus)
  7. Paddle out to neck deep in freezing water and stay there for 40 seconds (Andy Law)
  8. Dye my hair a bright colour (Andy Law)
  9. Hold a creepy-crawly type beastie (Andy Law)
  10. Volunteer for a local charity event (Andy Law)
  11. Buy 40 scratch cards (Andy Law)
  12. Invest £40 and try and make a profit (Andy Law)
  13. Climb a munroe, with the entire family, with me being the only one allowed to carry the children.  Take a photo at the top.  (Christine.)
  14. Go axe throwing (Magnus/me)
  15. Try fire spinning (Jackie)
  16. Run a mile (Shra and Neil)
  17. Learn to bake bread (Emmy)
  18. Attend one or more preview nights at the Lyceum (Juliet)
  19. March in Pride (Juliet)
  20. Waxing - crack and sack (Mike)
  21. Learn the bongos (Ben)
  22. Skinny dip (Matt)
  23. Hold a karaoke night at an actual karaoke venue (Lindsay)
  24. Whittle a thing (Jen)
  25. Drive something I've never driven before (Dougie)
  26. Make a banner for Processions (Lindsay)
  27. Moon the neighbours (*redacted!*)
  28. Brew beer (Logan)
  29. Ask a stranger what their passion is (Stephanie)
  30. Go to three local tourist attractions I've never been to (Graham)

Backup Challenges

It seems pretty likely that some of these will end up not being possible, so I've got a backup list of challenges which I can attempt (or not) as the mood and availability takes me.
  1. Get a family photo taken (Andy Law)
  2. Do a turn as a Boylesque (Lindsay)
  3. House sit (Gregor)
  4. Acro (Danielle)
  5. Spend a night in one of Renae's dresses in public (Donna)
  6. Travel 100m by pogo stick (Graham)
  7. Play a game of touch rugby (Neil)
  8. Cycle to work for a week (Andy Law)

On Your Marks...

So that's it.  All the challenges, in handy list form, that I'll be attempting over the next year.  Wish me luck! 


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