One-off Challenge 17: Learn To Bake Bread

It's the first week of May and I'm thoroughly in the "oh god, I've got eleven more months of doing this ridiculous shit" doldrums that comes with any lifestyle change. (New Year's resolutions, I'm looking at you.) So let's take a break from long-term challenges and tick off our first one-off challenge: learn to bake bread.

This challenge is courtesy of...

Emmy, who gets genuine thanks for this one. It falls in that sweet spot of interesting, useful and something I never would have bothered doing otherwise. 

Let's bake!

The challenge

After almost no research at all, I decided to make a rustic (i.e. not in a loaf tin) wholemeal loaf. After a fractionally larger amount of research, I chose this recipe from Waitrose. (Based mostly on the fact it only had four ingredients.) I then singularly failed to find any strong wholemeal bread flour at any of the supermarkets near my office. Eventually, I found where the bakers of the old town shop, kitted myself up, and went home to bake.

Attempt 1

To start with I followed the recipe exactly. It turns out to be surprisingly satisfying making bread. There's something very kinaesthetically pleasing about the warm dough mixture and the kneading process. I thought the 15 minutes kneading would feel like forever, but it flew by. Plus, it was really good exercise for challenge 7!

An hour to prove (also very satisfying to come back to a self-inflated loaf), then a half hour in the oven and we have ourselves...

A rather worthy lump of bread. 

It wasn't bad as such, just a touch heavy and rather bland. It was the knit-your-own-lentils of bread. We ate a fair amount of it as we didn't have any other bread, but I wasn't heartbroken when the last fifth went stale. 
Dough, proving.

Attempt 2

Five minutes less kneading, salted rather than unsalted butter and a half teaspoon more table salt made this loaf better, but still not right. The crust was a little too hard still and the bread not quite flavoursome enough.
Ready to bake

Attempt 3

This one had a teaspoon of sugar added, plus it was left to prove for an extra 30 minutes. Then I threw it at the floor, just catching it before it hit the deck, resulting in a rather odd shaped loaf. (This step was not entirely intentional.) 

Lastly, I stuck a bowl of hot water into the oven while baking to soften the crust. The result... 

Tasty bread! In fact, it was so good, Xavi insisted on taking it to Grandpa's house because "Papa wuv bwead!" 
Ready to eat!
Challenge complete!

Will I be doing it again?

Hell yes. I've got white and wholemeal bread flour now and will be branching out into 50/50 bread in an attempt to find something the big kids like. This one is definitely a keeper skill! 

Long-term Challenge Updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):  187

Daily photos taken? Yep.

I am currently reading: Nothing. I've finished The Red Tent, which I enjoyed but thought ended weak. 

"Cheat" days on food since last week: none, but I suspect I'm starting to allow just a little more in my daily unhealthy snack, so need to keep an eye on that. 

"Cheat" days on exercise: a couple again. Still struggling with this one. 

Favourite drawing of the week: the scroll.
The silhouette isn't great, but I'm pleased with the rest.


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