Challenge 9: Take And Share A Photo A Day

So, what's this challenge all about?

Of all the things I like from Facebook (not that there's loads - mostly it's just a helpful way to avoid having to speak to people), my favourite is the daily memories. There's something about looking back on what was important enough that day to warrant sharing that makes me appreciate both the past and the present in a very particular way. Of late, though, I've not been posting as much as I used to do, so this challenge will ensure I've got plenty of memories in the future, once my old brain has long forgotten them. 

Plus, every Christmas my mum asks for a photo calendar as a present. This will make sure we're well prepared with pictures come winter time. 

A click of the digital shutter to Laura for this one.

How's it going to work?

Again, this one is nice and straightforward. I have to take a picture and share it on Facebook each day. I'm playing fairly fast and loose with the term "picture" - the odd video, animated gif and screenshot will all count - but I'm trying to be strict with the timings. Thus far, I've not failed to take a photo on any day yet, although I have forgotten to post them until the next day on occasion. As with all my long term challenges, I'm not being crazy strict with myself, but rather am seeing it as an opportunity to make myself make time for something. 

Some Highlights So Far
Tempus Fugit
Fireman Sephie

Gender Roles

Oh I Do Like To Be...

The Visitor

Who Stole My Village?

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app): 372. 

Daily photos taken? Yes.

Swordfighting learnt: None. Calendar conflicts mean we're not going until tonight this time. 

I am currently reading: nothing, having devoured the Invisible Library series. Time for something outside my comfort zone I think. 

"Cheat" days on food since last week: None.  Not even my conference day last week. 

"Cheat" days on exercise: Well, I went for a walk yesterday. That counts for the whole week, right? 

Drawings:  With an odd schedule last week, I actually only found one day to sit down and draw. Must be better this week, or it'll go the way of my exercise and I don't want that. 


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