Challenge 4: Design A Board Game For Adults

So, what's this challenge all about? As most of you will know, Renae and I play a lot of board games. A lot of board games. Our shared love of gaming was one of the things that made our relationship work in the first place and it remains a cornerstone of our marriage now. Most days we'll settle down to at least one game of something and a fair chunk of our disposable income goes on feeding our habit. Previously, Renae and I designed and made a worker placement game for our big kids based on the How To Train Your Dragon TV series. It was ok. It functions well enough, but it's not super engaging for adults. I also wrote a zombie apocalypse house party game (think one of those murder mystery dinner parties, crossed with the Walking Dead and a choose your own adventure book). It worked pretty well, but a couple of iterations of play would really help tighten it up. Obviously enough, I've never quite got around to doing so. Well, the ...