Challenge 8: Saying Thank You

So, what's this challenge all about?

This is a pretty simple one. Like many children, I was made to write thank you notes for my presents. Like many children, I hated it. And, like many children, I stopped doing it as soon as I could.
Apparently, my mother has been waiting 30 odd years to change that! 

Challenge accepted.

How's it going to work?

This is perhaps the second simplest of my long-term challenges. I need to write a thank you note for all the gifts I receive over the year but, in order to avoid some sort of recursive thank you note nightmare, I'm not doing notes for those people who were there to be thanked in person at the time of the gift. Practically speaking, this pretty much means a few notes around my birthday and a few at Christmas. Pretty easy. (In fact, it makes me feel a little bad about not doing it before. Damn you, Tatty Bell, damn yooooooooou!) 

To add a little entertainment value for me, I'll be writing my thank you cards using the lovely, Tasmanian fountain pen Donna and Dougie got me for Christmas.

I even splashed out on special "thank you" stationary!
So far, I've written three thank you cards, one to my mum, one for my dad and one for my ungodly mother, Liz. (My family are too militantly atheist to have God parents.) 

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app): 232

Daily photos taken? Yup. 

Swordfighting learnt: Nothing due to various commitments, but we're going this coming Monday. 

I am currently reading: Nothing. An odd week of bank holidays and meetings in far flung places meant the loss of my usual reading time.

"Cheat" days on food since last week: One (fish and chips after a day at the beach with the kids). 

"Cheat" days on exercise: several.  This is still causing problems. By the end of the day, when I've actually got time do any exercise, I've not got the energy. I could take exercise at lunch I suppose, but then I'd be out of energy for drawing.  Sigh.  There's not enough hours in the day.


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