One-Off Challenge 3: Learn To Pick A Lock

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER! Don't try and break into shit you don't own! This challenge is courtesy of... Me! The challenge Learn to pick a lock. Why? Well, if you've ever played any RPG on your games system of choice (or, indeed, a pen and paper RPG), you've undoubtedly encountered a lock picking mini-game. If you've read any amount of crime fiction, you've read about a character finessing their way into places they shouldn't be with just the aid of a few bits of metal. As I've done a fair amount of both in my life, I've always wondered what's actually involved and just how hard it is. Thanks to the internet, lockpicks and some basic instruction are now just a simple Amazon Prime one-click order away. Time to learn to pick locks! Challenge accepted. The Theory The transparent practice lock, a pick and a tension wrench (All this refers to Yale type locks. Deadbolts are a different kettle of fish.) Put at a needlessly reductionist l...