One-Off Challenge 7: Paddle Out To Neck Deep And Stay There For 40 Seconds

So, I've actually had this one complete since early May, but I've kept it dans la poche (French note: this is actually an idiom that means "a done deal", but I'm using it in the British sense of keeping something in reserve) for a week when life intervened to mean that I couldn't tick off another challenge. With visitors, birthday parties and puppies, this is that week.

This challenge is courtesy of...

Andy Law, whose challenges you can identify by the "40" theme.

The challenge

Paddle out to neck deep in freezing cold water and stay there for 40 seconds.  I'm taking "freezing" to be colloquial here, so just the usual bloody cold Scottish sea temperature will do. Also, due to being really, really tall, I'm going to cheat a little and count bending down to neck level to count, otherwise I'd be wading out for hours!

Challenge accepted.

There was, briefly, a sudden heatwave during May.  After an almost eternal winter, we skipped spring and went straight to summer.  During the nice weather in May, we all went to the beach at Seacliffs.  The weather was glorious, but the sea was ice cold.  Obviously, the only logical thing to do was get my swimming trunks on and hit the water!

There are a few things to note from this video:
  1. I've lost weight since it was shot, which is pleasing. All that healthy eating is paying off.
  2. The children are all in wetsuits and they weren't keen to get into the water.
  3. Renae struggles with the concept of "40 seconds"! I did think those last ten seconds seemed to last a long, long time...
Challenge complete.

Will I be doing it again?

Well, I've been swimming in the sea and rivers a couple of times since, so yes, I guess I will be!

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):431
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: None this week.
I am currently reading: Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor, still. It's ok, but not amazing.
"Cheat" days on food since last week: One, the now traditional visit to Beijing Banquet to celebrate James' birthday.
"Cheat" days on exercise: Pretty much all of them.
Favourite drawing: A character sketch of Cassandra, Demi's former and current love.


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