One-Off Challenge 27: Moon The Neighbours

This challenge is courtesy of...

A mystery challenger, who does not wish to be identified.
Thanks, stock image people!

The challenge

Moon the neighbours.

While the challenger may be a mystery, the challenge isn't. I've got to go shake my arse at the neighbours. Now, you may recall that one of my criteria for these challenges is that they don't get me fired or, for that matter, arrested then fired. Thus, before this challenge making the list, the mystery challenger and I agreed that the neighbours didn't have to actually see  me moon them, reducing the risk of arrest.

But I'm not about to have this just be a simple challenge of no interest, so I'm adding a rule for myself. I've got to be outside. Renae and I have a running joke in our house that the "kitchen window doesn't count". If we were counting the number of times I've scuttled through the kitchen, day and night, junk out, we'd have ticked this challenge off months ago!

Doesn't count. It's official, you know.
Outside it is, then. But, even though we're making this challenge more risky than it might be, I'm not keen on getting busted, butt-out.  To reduce the chances of that, we're doing it at night (appropriate for the moon) and I'm going to be tucked into our driveway, which has a good view of our neighbours across the street but is shielded from the road in case of passing vehicles.

Ready, steady...
Drop trou!

Too much! Too soon...!

Challenge complete!

Will I be doing it again?

Not unless they really piss me off.

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):639.
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: None due to illness and work commitments.
I am currently reading:Still Delusions Of Gender by Cordelia Fine.

"Cheat" days on food since last week: None.
"Cheat" days on exercise: I don't know why I bother re-writing this each week. Sigh.
 This week's drawing
"She was only the Emporer's daughter...!"


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