In-Year Review

Previously on 40 by Forty... It's in-year review time in the civil service so, in honour of this fact, it's time for an in-year performance review of my 40 by Forty challenges. Also, you may recall that challenges are suspended over holiday periods and I'm counting this week (which included a mini-break to Perth and a Halloween house party) as a holiday week. By which I mean I've not done anything this week. It's not like I've done my in-year review at work either, though, so at least I'm consistently not doing anything. Long-term challenges The long, dark teatime of the challenge year is fast approaching. The effort required to stick to the long-term challenges is growing. This is exactly the sort of time that I would normal drop things like this. Good job I've got you, fictional reader, peering over my shoudler to keep me going! As before, each one is linked to its respective blog entry. Learn French (me) - Yeah, this one is now thorou...