One-off Challenge 18 : Attend One Or More Preview Nights At The Lyceum

This challenge is courtesy of…

Juliet Swann.

The challenge

Attend one or more preview nights at the Lyceum. 

Although it wasn't specified in the challenge, I'm ruling that this one means the Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, rather than the Lyceum in London, New York or any of the other places that I don't live that have Lyceums. (It appears to be a name for a lecture hall in ancient Greece after Aristotle taught in the Lyceum gardens.)  I love the theatre but, due to small children, don't get much chance to go these days, so I leapt at the chance to add this one to the list.

Of course, life doesn't stop just because I'm doing a silly challenge year, so this challenge has had to wait until this week when the stars aligned and we were able to arrange babysitting and there was a preview night of a show we wanted to see.

I should add a big "thank you" to our intrepid babysitters, John Bell and Magnus Lyon, who teamed up to look after toddlers and run Nash and Alex back and forth to their various clubs.  (Thursdays, which are the preview days, are not an  easy day to cover!)

As we had needed to arrange a babysitting double team, Renae and I thought we'd at least make an evening of it and snuck off early for dinner and drinks at the St Andrews Brew Co at Potterrow. 

All the food, only some of the beer.
Then it was off to the Lyceum for the preview showing of Touching The Void.

Tickets, or it didn't happen,
The Lyceum seats its preview nights on a first-come, first-served approach, so by the time we got there the queue was wrapped all around the foyer, bar and box office.  We took the policy decision that we'd rather have a nice sit at a table in the bar and get a less good seat than stand around for half an hour.
Other people had different priorities.
After a short wait, we got inside and it was time to sit back and enjoy the show.  For those who don't know, Touching The Void follows two high mountain climbers as they struggle to survive after an accident on Sula Grande in Peru.  It's already a book (which I haven't read) and a film (which I have seen).  It's also a true story.

It is also bloody excellent.  Go see it, even if you have no interest in mountaineering.
 Challenge complete!

Will I do it again?

Yes.  It was a lovely night out.

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):886. (Will I make it to 1,000 before year end?)
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: Tuesday handover week for the big kids, so no swords this week.
I am currently reading: Daggerspell.Endlessly.
"Cheat" days on food since last week: Two.  Need to be better on this.
"Cheat" days on exercise: Look over there, a three-headed monkey!
My favourite drawing:  A sketch of former FM, Alex Salmond, based off the front cover of the Metro.
"Innocent of all criminality..."


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