One-off Challenge 23: Hold A Karaoke Night At An Actual Karaoke Venue

This challenge is courtesy of…

Lindsay Law

The challenge

Now, you'd think this, as my final challenge - and a fairly straightforward one at that - would not involve any weaselling around the challenge.  However, the challenge was, strictly speaking, to hold a karaoke night and, due to licensing restrictions and my desire to have this as my final challenge-come-party, my karaoke experience actually started at 2pm to allow the kids to come along.  But that's nighttime somewhere, right?  Screw it, it'll do.
As mentioned, this was my final challenge and, coming in the weekend before my birthday, I also doubled it up with my party.  (Renae and I are going away on my actual birthday.)  My venue of choice was Supercube on George Street. We booked a couple of rooms, one for the adults and one for the kids (allowing us to both drink and sing songs with lots of swearing without worry).  As the host and challenger, I figured I'd better go first and set the tone.
(In case you can't hear it, that's Business Time by Flight of the Conchords and it is very, very badly sung.)
Next, Renae and I dueted on the best karaoke track ever...
After that, it was nothing but awful renditions of classic tunes for a full three hours!
Challenge complete!

Will I do it again?

Unexpectedly, yes. It turns out that singing terribly in a group of friends is a lot of fun. I wouldn't have expected to come out of this challenge with a desire to do it again, but you live and learn!


AND THAT'S FORTY! Challenges (plural) complete!

As I mentioned above, Renae and I are off on a short holiday next week, but after we're back I'll do one final wrap-up post looking back on my challenges before retiring into middle-aged silence. I'll se you all then.

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):1,114! (Although this now includes a few Dutch words in preparation for our trip to Brugge.) 
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: Didn't go this week.
I am currently reading: Still nope.
"Cheat" days on food since last week:None this week.
"Cheat" days on exercise:  Yes.  Just yes.
My favourite drawing:  I didn't draw this week, but will be getting my pencils out in Bruges.  (Ooo-er.)


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