Whatever Happened To... Completing Forty Challenges?

Wait, didn't you complete your fortieth challenge two weeks ago while singing karaoke?

Yes I did. It was epic.

Posted in large size, because my normal posting size isn't enough to contain all the EPIC!
And then declare your challenges completed, again, on the 31st of March with your final photo?

Yup. I phoned that one in a bit, I have to admit, as we were struggling with an ill little girl.

Birthday fizz from Jackie on the left, home brew from one-off challenge 28: brew beer on the right.
So why are we here? Hasn't everyone suffered enough?

Well, much like the Lord of the Rings, my birthday challenges have an ending, another ending and then a third, final, actual ending. This is the last hurrah. A reflection on challenges past and challenges yet to come. A final entry in my writing project and a chance to use any last jokes that I never quite found a way to work into previous blog entries.

So, what was your favorite challenge?

That's a tough call.  A lot of them have been pretty good fun and it's hard to compare the satisfaction of baking bread with the intellectual enjoyment of reading only women authors for a year. If I had to pick, though, I think I'd plump for learning to draw. Drawing felt like an alien, utterly unreachable skill, possessed only by gifted individuals who popped out of their mother's wombs clutching pencils and sporting a beret. As it turns out, it's just something you can learn to do. Sure, I'm a long way from being good at it, but it's changed my view of the world and my view of myself. Life-changing, in a small but significant way.
Life-changingly bad!
And your least favorite?

Oddly, I'm going to go with learn French for this one. I've kept it up (far better than keeping up my exercise routine) but it's never been enjoyable. It's hard, confusing and I'm not sure how much progress I've actually made.  It's almost as if learning another language is difficult!  (Fancy that.) Part of my issue with this challenge undeniably comes from the fact that I consider myself pretty good with English and it's difficult to go back to the beginning in a different tongue. Still, this is one I'm planning on keeping going.

Any you were glad to avoid doing?

Let's be honest, I was not looking forwards to trying to drag all the children up a munro! Sephie is still a bit little to walk large distances by herself, but also a bit big to be carried! It would have been hell.
Walking in slow-motion to your own theme song is all very well, but it doesn't get you up a mountain.
And any you were sad to miss?

I was oddly a bit disappointed not to do the sack and crack wax.  While I'm sure it would have been shit, I still feel that there was something interesting in exploring beauty standards society forces on women but exempts men from. Plus, it would have made a great blog.

And what about your favorite photo from the picture a day challenge?

No contest.  It's got to be this one, doesn't it?

It does have 100 comments on Facebook, after all!

You son of a bitch!



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