Challenge 5: Learn Swordfighting

So, what's this challenge all about?

Being a massive geek, I've spent a lot of time hitting imaginary people with imaginary swords. Be they electronic or be they pen and paper creations of the the GM's fevered mind, I've slaughtered them all. However, living in the modern age, real-life swordplay is not something I've ever had to learn. While I've fenced for about a year at university, it's not the same thing. To paraphrase Scott Lynch, I have learnt the noble art of fencing already, what I am learning now is how to kill people with swords. (The Lies of Locke Lamorra by Scott Lynch is well worth a read, by the way, as are the rest of the books in the Gentlemen Bastards sequence.)

This challenge is courtesy of Andrew Leask, sword buddy extraordinaire!

Challenge accepted.
Bish bash bosh!

How's it going to work?

This is not exactly the sort of challenge one can undertake without professional (or at least, committed amateur) help. Fortunately, there are a number of historical swordfighting schools in the Edinburgh area. The one Andy and I chose to attend (based on a friend of a friend, plus the most convenient lesson times) is the Dawn Duellists Society. Because of my erratic schedule and generally somewhat complicated life, we're only making it about once every two or three weeks. It'll count, though.

How's it going so far?

We've been around six or seven times, I reckon. I have learnt three important lessons so far:
  1. German longswords are fun. Your classic two handed sword, they're long enough and swooshy enough to make you feel like you're a medieval warrior carving through the unarmed peasantry.
  2. Swordfighting is HARD. The more experienced members of the DDS are so much better than us newbies that it's comical. The number of times that I've died in fights and not had the first clue why, what happened or even how the pointy end of the sword ended up in my face (mask) is beyond count.
  3. Swordfighting HURTS. Even dressed in the many layers of bodyarmour that modern swordfighting requires, it's a very rare week that sees us leave without a colourful assortment of bruises and strains.

All that said, it's good fun. While we're not really attending regularly enough to make significant strides, it is starting to make marginally more sense. It's also exceptionally hard work, which is good for my taking exercise challenge.
We persuaded Magnus to come last week, on the grounds he looks like a man who should wield a sword.

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):528.
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: Jason can kill you with his mind.
I am currently reading: Still reading the Earthsea Quartet, by Ursula Le Guin, although I put it down and now I can't find it again.
"Cheat" days on food since last week: None, technically, although I've had a few days of pretty junky food.
"Cheat" days on exercise: Lots, as per usual.
Favourite drawing: Slacking on this again. Must make an effort next week.


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