One-Off Challenge 16: Run A Mile

This challenge is courtesy of...

Shra Sen and Neil Fitzpatrick, who are much too healthy for their own good.

The challenge

Before we get into this week's challenge please welcome our very special guest host...

Baaaaaaarney Stinson!
So, what do I have to do this time? Well, it's super simple, just run a mile. I'm not adding any special rules here (although, in fairness, that's because I can't think of any). Because I appear to be the last person on Earth not to own a Fitbit, I'm going to plan out my route on Google in advance, then run it while timing myself.

So, I'd been planning on doing this challenge after a good long period of regular exercise. You know, the sort that I'm supposed to be doing 30 minutes of each day, yeah? Because that's been going so well.

Fortunately, Barney has some advice on distance running...

Right. Let's Stinson this mother...

0.5 miles there, 0.5 miles back.
I dug out my finest (only) running gear, got myself looking all athletic and - because everything is more fun with a friend - recruited myself a running buddy.

Cooper was marginally more keen than I was.
Of course, the moment we got outside, it started to piss with rain. Oh well. Off we go!

0.1 miles - Feeling good.
0.2 miles - Still good.
0.3 miles - Cooper takes a shit, lightening his load a little.
0.4 miles - Almost time to turn around.
0.5 miles - Oooh, that's a funny twinge in my left leg.
0.55 miles - Shit, I was meant to turn around back there!
0.6 miles - It seems harder in this direction.
0.7 miles - OK, now my leg really hurts.
0.8 miles - Am I going to have to stop?
0.9 miles - No way!
1.0 miles - Hey, my leg feels better now. Kind of wish I didn't have to make it all the way home though...
1.1 miles - Oh thank Christ, I can stop!

*Wheezing SFX plays*
 Final time: 13.5 minutes, although I ran 10% too far, so I'm calling it 12.5 minutes!

Now for a nice, well-earned, relaxing sit on the sofa.


Oh, I fancy a drink. I'll just get up and get one.


Will I be doing it again?

It's not high on my list, but who knows?

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):573.
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: None this week. But I did run instead!
I am currently reading: Delusions Of Gender by Cordelia Fine. I'm not far enough into the book to critique it, but I will say that Cordelia Fine is an awesome name.

"Cheat" days on food since last week: None.
"Cheat" days on exercise: Loads, but I thought about running a lot, does that count?
Favourite drawing:
DAIRY! ---- Legendary!


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