Whatever Happened To... Taking A Picture A Day

Happy new year! Have a good break?

Same to you. And yes, thanks.  Two full weeks off basically any challenge, except the photo a day one. It's a bit rough getting back to it, though.

I can imagine (especially given I'm just a figment of your own imagination designed to provide a framework for idiotic blogposts and therefore know everything you do). So, any new challenges to report?

Nope. If there were, we wouldn't be doing this. We're still covering ongoing challenges.  This week, the aforementioned photo a day challenge.

And how's it going?

Pretty well.  While I'm almost bound to jinx myself by saying it I've managed to take a photo every day since the first of April 2018. That's a lot.  I've not managed to always post them on the day, but they've always been taken on the day in question. That's pretty good, I think.

And how's it been?

Pretty good. I think my photos are improving and I've gotten better at spotting photo opportunities when they present themselves. There have been a few days when I've had to just take a photo of something to fulfill the challenge, but that's a pretty good representation of life.  Some days, you just don't do anything particularly noteworthy.

I would note, however, that it does sometimes rather take you out of the moment. Rather than enjoying whatever it is, you start to see things through the frame of a photo op. It can be a bit distancing. As a result, I don't think I'll be keeping it going on a strict one per day fashion once I've hit 40.

And how's the long-term challenges going?

Well, it's been a bit rough trying to get back into it, but next week is the key getting back to it week.

French words forgotten: Basically all of them.
Daily photos taken? Yes. Check me.
Swordfighting learnt: First session of the year is next Tuesday.
I am currently reading: Daggerspell.  Still.
Weight gained over the Christmas period: A surprisingly modest 1kg.
Christmas presents of drawing equipment acquired: 1 set of charcoals, 2 Koh-I-Noor lead holders and drawing leads and a leather manbag to keep it all in.


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