Whatever Happened To... Creating A Game For Adults

So, you're a day late and you seem to be doing the talking to yourself shtick again. I presume this means that you've got some quality excuses lined up?

I have no idea what you mean!


Look, it's been a hard week. Renae was away in Turkey for a week, leaving me with a number of children that varied from 2 to 6 in a confusing and complex pattern designed to drive men mad with arcane, forbidden angles.


Plus, we've got visitors!


And... *mumbles*

Sorry, I didn't quite hear you.

Fine.  I said "And I've just got Red Dead Redemption 2".  Happy now?

Delirious. So what challenge are we looking back on?

Well, given I've been gaming this week, it seems a good time to look back on how designing a board game for grown-ups is going.

And how is it going?

Not great, to be honest. This one has proven to be unexpectedly difficult and unenjoyable. That's not to say I expected it to be easy. I've made a game for the kids before, as well as writing the rules for our zombie-apocalypse Halloween dinner party, so I know it's not easy or straightforwards going from an idea to a coherent rule set. What's surprised me is that I've really struggled to feel the desire to actually, you know, do it.

So how far have you got?

Well, I've got my central conceit down (two player time travel battles) and a broad handle on my core mechanic. Unfortunately, after getting to that stage and inflicting an early play test on Renae and Lindsay, I've never quite progressed beyond that.  Partly, that's because while I'm fairly certain about how I want the game to function after my play test, there's a pretty intimidatingly large amount of fiddling to get it to the next stage.

Is it going to get done before April?

Yes, because I'm a bloody-minded, obstinate fool.  Not sure it's going to be good, though!

Alright. And how's the rest of it going?

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app): 973.  Almost at 1,000!
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: None, which is probably just as well, given how often I wanted to murder the children over the last week!
I am currently reading: Err... the loading screens on Read Dead Redemption2?
"Cheat" days on food since last week: I was left on my own. With all the children. For a week. Take a fucking guess.
"Cheat" days on exercise: Err... I've ridden a lot of electronic horses?
Favourite drawing: Not done many over the last week, and I'll be honest, none of the ones that I did warrant immortalisation here! So here's my favourite photo of the day instead.


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