Whatever Happened To...Learning French


Salut. Comment ca va?

Bien, merci. Est-ce que vous parler Francias?

Je parler un peu Francais.

OK, I'm out.

Oh thank god.  (Dieu merci!) I'm out, too. I'l be honest, I reckon even some of those few lines are wrong.

So, not so much with the French then?

Well, I'm still plugging away at it but I'm not sure how much is sinking in.  You see, this is my issue with learning French.  There's a LOT of work before you get to any level of competence.  I was kind of hoping that, as an adult with a genuine desire to lean, I'd make better progress than I did as a teenager with a genuine desire to be anywhere other than French class. This has not been the case.

I do wonder how much this comes down to my mode of learning (an app).  Looking back, I can now appreciate the sheer power and generosity of face to face lessons, provided free at the point of use that I used to get at school.  I'm pretty tempted to look into taking a French class once I'm finished with my challenges.  (Until then, I don't have anything like enough time or spare cash to do so!)  I can't hep but feel some structured instruction would make a big difference to my learning.

Or maybe it wouldn't and I'm just expecting too much progress too quickly in a subject that is, when you come down to it, bloody hard work.  Who knows?

Well, that's answered the "are you going to keep doing it" question, so I guess it's time for the challenge updates.

French words "learned": 948.
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: None again.
I am currently reading: Still nothing, despite Renae being away.
Cheat days on food: One, the traditional "Renae is away, so it's treat dinner for the kids" day.
Cheat days on exercise: All of them.
Favourite drawing: My card for Renae on Valentines.
Technically, this is illegal. The starter tile doesn't get a meeple placed on it. Just as well I was going for symbolism, rather than accuracy.


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