One-off Challenge 14: Go Axe Throwing

This challenge is courtesy of…

Magnus "The Viking" Lyon.

The challenge

Go axe throwing.
A bit like my sword fighting challenge, axe throwing is the sort of thing that I do in my head all the time. (You may very well think that I sometime imagine doing it to troublesome colleagues, I couldn't possibly comment.) As a result, this challenge was a great excuse to go do something silly, frivolous and fun that I wouldn't normally give myself permission to waste money on. Conveniently, Magnus happens to be friends with a man who runs an axe throwing business called Sean.  (The man, that is, not the business. Sean would be a weird name for a business. The business is actually called CPS Activities.) After a couple of false starts, we managed to gather a group of six of us to go and throw pointy things at other things.
We got off to a fine start, somehow managing to co-ordinate six adults to all make it to Beecraigs Country Park on time. (This was something of an epic achievement and was almost worthy of a #40byForty challenge on its own!) We then failed to actually get to the range on time, due to a scenic, but rather long, walking route chosen by Magnus. Fortunately, Sean hadn't been able to get the keys until five minutes after our allotted start time, so we arrived at the perfect time.  We had a quick safety briefing ("don't stand down range, don't stand behind the person throwing either") and were then introduced to our weapons for the day.
Axes and angels (the non-pottery kind)
As the official challenger, I was nominated to go first.
Yeah, I was pretty smug about that start.
We took it in turns to fling axes at some poor, innocent logs.  It was pretty satisfying when it went right. The turn of the axe, the satisfying "thunk" of the hit, the moment of "will it stick?" as the axe bites in.

Of course, sometimes it was... less satisfying.
*whiff-squelch* (In fairness, this is Renae throwing at the double distance target.)
We also tried out throwing angels.  These are funny little things designed to fall neatly into a gap in the law between throwing stars (which are illegal) and throwing knives (which are also illegal) by being neither (and thus not illegal).
Looks like an angel, is most certainly Not A Throwing Star.
Spot the flying angel. (End result? *boink-squelch*)
So, in the end, who was the best axe thrower? Andy "Lethal" Leask? Magnus "The Viking" Lyon? Shra "Princes Adora" Sen? Neil "I Should Not Be Left Unsupervised With Alcohol And Access To" Fitzpatrick? Renae "I Have A Cold" Bell? Or was it your humble author?
Yeah, pretty fucking smug.

Challenge complete!

Will I do it again?

Maybe. It's good fun, but I'm not sure I'd seek it out without a good reason.

Long-term updates

French words "learned" (according to the memrise app):809.
Daily photos taken? Yes.
Swordfighting learnt: This is now officially on hiatus until the New Year, when it shall make a triumphant, bruising return.Honest.
I am currently reading: Daggerspell. Yup.There's not been much reading of late.
"Cheat" days on food since last week: One this week.
"Cheat" days on exercise:Pottery stalls are hard work to shift in an out, so at least I've done something.
Most pull ups in a row: 10!
Challenge completed! In your face, exercise!
My favourite drawing:  did at least do a little doodling this week, with a festive theme.
Judgy angel judges you.  Harshly.


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