
Showing posts from January, 2019

One-off Challenge 18 : Attend One Or More Preview Nights At The Lyceum

This challenge is courtesy of… Juliet Swann. The challenge Attend one or more preview nights at the Lyceum.  Although it wasn't specified in the challenge, I'm ruling that this one means the Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, rather than the Lyceum in London, New York or any of the other places that I don't live that have Lyceums. (It appears to be a name for a lecture hall in ancient Greece after Aristotle taught in the Lyceum gardens.)  I love the theatre but, due to small children, don't get much chance to go these days, so I leapt at the chance to add this one to the list. Of course, life doesn't stop just because I'm doing a silly challenge year, so this challenge has had to wait until this week when the stars aligned and we were able to arrange babysitting and there was a preview night of a show we wanted to see. I should add a big "thank you" to our intrepid babysitters, John Bell and Magnus Lyon, who teamed up to look after to

Whatever Happened To... Saying Thank You?

So, what token gesture are we making towards writing a blogpost this week then? We're looking at the saying thank you challenge.  (That's writing an actual, physical thank you note for any gift given to me by a person not there to thank at the time.) And how's it going? Good.  One of the great advantages of being in charge of the rules and setting of my challenges is that I can nudge things in my favour a little. The key with this one is that, as an adult, people don't actually give you that many presents.  The number of people who give presents while not being there to thank is even smaller! Win! That sounds... outwith the spirit of the challenge. Bite me, imaginary correspondent.  OK, keep your hair on. So, how many thank yous have you actually written? By my current count? 4. I guess people don't like me that much! Any unexpected difficulties. Well, I bought a pack of thank you cards to write my thank yous in, but then promptly lost them. Plus, my

Whatever Happened To... Taking A Picture A Day

Happy new year! Have a good break? Same to you. And yes, thanks.  Two full weeks off basically any challenge, except the photo a day one. It's a bit rough getting back to it, though. I can imagine (especially given I'm just a figment of your own imagination designed to provide a framework for idiotic blogposts and therefore know everything you do). So, any new challenges to report? Nope. If there were, we wouldn't be doing this. We're still covering ongoing challenges.  This week, the aforementioned photo a day challenge. And how's it going? Pretty well.  While I'm almost bound to jinx myself by saying it I've managed to take a photo every day since the first of April 2018. That's a lot.  I've not managed to always post them on the day, but they've always been taken on the day in question. That's pretty good, I think. And how's it been? Pretty good. I think my photos are improving and I've gotten better at spotting photo op